Just a quick note to thank three people who have recently agreed to review CDs, books, events etc. for the website: George Monger, Bill Johnston, Colin Hynson.  They join Mary Humphreys, Mike Rudge and Les Ray. We do not have hundreds of items to review, so the burden will never be too onerous.

I have been asked about house styles and our policies regarding reviews. Here are some guidelines:

•  There is no specific house style.

•  There are no deadlines: unlike print publications, we do not have to meet certain dates

•  There is no minimum or maximum review. We are not space-limited. Current reviews are very varied in length.

•  All reviews should be positive or neutral - never negative. Reviewers may of course refuse to review something they think is awful.

•  The editor has the right to edit reviews that are submitted, but only the language not the meaning.

Simon Haines