Folk Orchestra Workshop with Jo Freya

Folk Orchestra Workshop with Jo Freya, November 12 (Luke’s Church Centre, Aylsham Rd, Norwich)

Review by Simon Haines

Jo1This workshop was the result of a second collaboration between and ‘Vintage Squeeze’, a group of musicians based in Norwich. The theme of the day was playing together as an orchestra of folk musicians. The workshop was led by Jo Freya - a top-ranking multi-instrumentalist and experienced tutor. For many years Jo has been a member of The Old Swan Band and Blowzabella. She is now also a member of Narthen and Moirai. Find out more about Jo HERE

Jo provided the notation for four tunes in advance of the workshop – these included melodies, chords and occasionally harmonies. Typical folk keys were chosen: D, C (Am) All instruments were welcome and on the day there were melodeons, violins, recorders, flutes, concertinas, and bagpipes. Jo herself demonstrated the tunes on her soprano saxophone.  She emphasised right at the beginning that ideas for arrangements from participants would be welcome and indeed expected. As the day progressed, people grew in confidence and more and more ideas were suggested. 

Read more: Folk Orchestra Workshop with Jo Freya

The Zoë Wren Trio

Review by Simon Haines

The Zoë Wren Trio - Colchester Arts Centre Monday 31 October

We booked Zoë Wren solo for Hadleigh Folk and Acoustic Music Nights two or three years ago. It was clear immediately that here was a consummate musician, songwriter and performer with a repertoire of great songs - mostly her own, but with a sprinkling of some from the tradition and a few from other songwriters she admires. Earlier this year, Zoë came to the club again, this time with Jasmine Watkiss as the duo Roswell. The repertoire was different, but again the musicianship from Zoë and Jasmine was superb. At Colchester Arts Centre on Halloween night, Zoë was accompanied by Jonny Wickham on double bass and David Delarre on mandolin & guitar. For the majority of their set, they played as a trio but from time to time Zoë performed solo. This varied pattern worked very well, her accompanists never overshadowing Zoë’s voice or her delicate, tasteful guitar playing.  On this occasion, Colchester Arts Centre, which is still recovering from pandemic-related audience fall-off, was full. Many of the audience might not have heard of Zoë, but it didn’t take long for them to warm to her friendly, light-hearted introductions or to appreciate what folk club organiser Elaine Barker described as “her amazing talent”.

Zoe Wren Trio

Read more: The Zoë Wren Trio

Halesworth Day of Dance 2022

Halesworth Day of Dance 2022


The spring sun shone over Halesworth on Saturday morning 2nd April as around 500 dancers and musicians converged in the Market Place for the 6th Halesworth Day of Dance. Colourfully clad teams were greeted by Chair of Council Rosemary Lewis  before dancing together en masse in a joyful eruption of sound, movement, and colour. The hosts, Oxblood Molly, then led a procession around the town which culminated in a spectacular Guard of Honour up through the Thoroughfare.

Chelmesford Ladies

Music and dancing were everywhere throughout the day. Onlookers were treated to fabulous performances of Morris and Molly dancing by teams from all over East Anglia.  An exotic air was added with dancing by the local Eastern Belly Dancing group, whilst a 40 strong team of majorettes from Eitorf (Halesworth’s German Twin town) added their own magic to the proceedings. Ukulele players also had a chance to ‘strut their stuff’ with a mass Busking session in the Market Square.


An uplifting sense of happiness pervaded the town. One onlooker commented  “This is so lovely! It does your spirit good. I’ve been smiling all day!”.

The day is rapidly becoming an important event in the Halesworth calendar and this year raised over £1300 for Motor Neurone Disease Association. The next Halesworth Day of Dance will take place on 1st April 2023.

Many people have contributed their own photos to the Halesworth Day of Dance Facebook page HERE, among which photographer sasastro has added an album with a link to flickr below  

Thank you to Linda Watterson for this article and pictures.

Andy Cutting at Wingfield Barns

Wingfield Barns 29th October 2020

On the evening of the 29th October 2020, the Great Barn at Wingfield Barns was filled with eager anticipation and excitement for the first live music gig there in 7 months. In some ways it was a strange and extraordinary evening.. arriving in masks, having our temperatures taken, sitting together and yet apart, and our drinks magically arriving from the bar. Still what a joy to be out and to see familiar faces …a live music event at last!

The wonderfully talented Andy Cutting did not disappoint, he too was excited to be there, his first live gig in 261 days. We were treated to an hour and a half of beautifully crafted music, some tunes familiar, others new to my ear. The music was a mixture of Andy’s own compositions and tunes picked up along the way, all played with style and sensitivity.  What a special treat!

Particular favourites for me were ‘The History Man’ which opened the concert and ‘The Abbess’ which ended it, both written by Andy. It was indeed a concert that will be remembered for a long time and I feel very lucky to have been there.

Huge thanks are due to Anna and her team at The Barns for taking the effort to make the whole evening work, I know what careful planning and preparations were needed to make it happen. Well done for putting on such a fabulous (and safe) musical evening for us all. We are very lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful venue on our doorsteps. I am certainly looking forward to their next event, please checkout their website for events listing and how to book.

Judy Andrews