Dance Folkus Ceilidhs
Dance Folkus Ceilidh
Friday 4th October, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .
Friday 4th October, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .

Featuring band: Barry Watson & Erin Brown
Caller: Sarah Petts (All of Stumpy Oak fame)
Guest Spot: Singer/ Guitarist, Paul Reid
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from WoodbridgeDanceFolkusTickets
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from
No partner or experience necessary. BYO refreshments.
Dance Folkus Ceilidh
Friday 1st November, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .
Featuring band: Dance Folkus 'Come All Ye' Band
Caller: Poppy Price-Dowhan
Friday 1st November, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .
Featuring band: Dance Folkus 'Come All Ye' Band
Caller: Poppy Price-Dowhan
Guest Spot: Music from 'Quaynotes'
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from WoodbridgeDanceFolkusTickets
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from
Come and dance, listen, call a dance or join the band for the evening!
No partner or experience necessary. BYO refreshments.
No partner or experience necessary. BYO refreshments.
Dance Folkus Christmas Ceilidh
Friday 6th December, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .
Featuring band: Dance Folkus 'Come All Ye' Band
Caller: Trevor Beckford
Friday 6th December, 7:30pm
Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge IP12 4AU .
Featuring band: Dance Folkus 'Come All Ye' Band
Caller: Trevor Beckford
Guest Spot: Something awesome - come & see!
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from WoodbridgeDanceFolkusTickets
Tickets: £10 Child £4 on the door or from
Come and dance, listen, call a dance or join the band for the evening!
Fun & sometimes seasonal dances - Be festive if you wish - the Band will be!
No partner or experience necessary. BYO refreshments.
No partner or experience necessary. BYO refreshments.